Privacy And Policy

We are very concerned about your privacy and that is why your privacy is very important to us. Our main goal is to make your Internet experience as pleasing and fruitful as possible, and we want you to be as confident as you can be when you use the Internet’s huge amount of information, tools, and opportunities.

You must consider, when you buy our product, you will be automatically registered to the mailing lists.

We have made this Privacy Policy to show everyone our firm stance on privacy and security. This Privacy Policy explains how our company gets information from all the Internet users of our Services-the “Visitors” who access some of the Services but do not have accounts, and the “Members” who buy the Products and/or pay a monthly fee to subscribe to the Service-what we do with the information we collect, and what choices the Visitors and the Members have in the collection and the use of suchIt is requested that you go through this Privacy Policy thoroughly.

Personal Information Collected and How It Is Used We Collect and This is the Information we Use

Introduction: Our company gathers information from the visitors and members, who access the different parts of our online services and the network of web sites, through our service. This information is mostly used to give an individualized experience when using our Products and Services, and we do not usually share this data with third parties. Nevertheless, in case we have got your permission before or in exceptional circumstances, like when we think that such disclosure is obligated by law or other special situations like that, we may give out personal information collected from you.

Registration: Our Members may be required to give some personal details when they become our Products or Services consumers. These details may comprise the name, address, telephone number, billing information (for example, a credit card number), and the kind of personal computer that is being used to access the Services. The personal data provided to the Members when they sign up are used to handle their accounts (for example for the billing the Members). This information is not disclosed to third parties, except in case of the explicit mention or in special circumstances.

Nevertheless, in cases when our company and a partner do a joint promotion of our Services, we are allowed to give the partner some personal information of the people who subscribed to the Services as a result of the joint promotion for the only reason of allowing us and the partner to examine the results of the promotion.

In this case, the personal information is intended for the partner only and it is not going to be used for any other reason. We may also create the non-identified and the aggregate profiles from the personal information that members provide when they register (like the total number of members, but not the names). The rest of the paragraph expands the idea that the collected and anonymous information can be utilized by the Services to sell the advertisements that appear on the Services.

Our Company Partners and Sponsors: Some products and services may be provided to Visitors and Members together with an affiliate, independent contractor, non-affiliated partner or any other person or company in the same business. To give the Users and the Friends some of the products and services, the partner may be required to collect and store their personal information. In these tipping points, you will receive the notification beforehand and may decide not to use that particular service or feature.

Furthermore, our partners may have ads or co-branded Web Pages which are co-sponsored by an affiliate, independent contractor seller or a non-affiliated partner. We may send the non-identifying and aggregate information (except as mentioned above) to the partners who we co-brand products or services with, but not the personal information, to help them in the administration of the co-branded products or services.

Online Shopping: Some Web sites where you can buy products and services and sign up for things like a newsletter, a catalog or new product and service updates. In some instances, you might be required to give such information as your name, address, email address, phone number, and credit/debit card information.

When you order something for a person you know, say a friend, you might be asked to give the name, address, and phone number of that person. Our company does not have the power of the third parties to use the personal information you provide when you place such an order. A big deal of you should take time when giving your thoughts.

In case you order services or products through our company, we will use the information you give only to process that order. We don't let outside people know the information unless it is necessary for the completion of that order.

Online Advertisements: Our company would have our online advertisements on display. In such cases we exchange with the advertisers the information that we have collected through the registration process as well as through the online surveys and promotions from our members and visitors and this information is not individual.

Besides, sometimes we also use this amalgamated and non-identifying information to make the ads more targeted or to make the joint ventures. To illustrate, a radio or a joint venture company tells us what type of audience they want to reach and we provide them an advertisement which is tailored to the audience. From the data that has been gathered, which is undisclosed and not associated with the individual, we will in turn, display or send the advertisement to the targeted audience. Our company does not allow Visitors or Members to us to give their personal information to these advertisers or joint venture companies.

Responses to Email Inquiries: Visitors or Members who send email inquiries to our company, we use the return email address to answer the email inquiry that we receive from them. Our company does not use the return email address for any other purpose and does not expose the return email address to any third party.

Voluntary Customer Surveys: We may from time to time, carry out both, business and individual customer surveys. We motivate our customers to take the surveys because they give us the valuable information which enables us to develop the types of products and services we offer and their way of providing you with them. Your confidential personal data and answers will not be disclosed even if the survey is done by a third party. Our customer surveys are not compulsory, thus the customers can choose to take part in them or not.

We may collect the information to be used in the original responses of individuals taking the customer surveys and we will then combine them with other customers whom we might have, to create the broader, generic responses of the survey questions (such as the gender, age, location, hobbies, education, work, the industry sector, or the other demographic information). After collecting all the data we compose the good results to help to improve our services to you, and to introduce new services and products. This de-identified information, which is not personally identifying, may be shared with other parties.

Promotions: Our company may conduct polls, contests, sweepstakes, drawings, games, content, or other promotions that are sponsored by or cobranded with third parties, such as: polls, contests, sweepstakes, drawings, games, content, or other promotions that are sponsored by or cobranded with third parties. In some cases, company may be forced to provide personally identifiable information of the winners to the third parties. Third-party organizations are the ones who can control the use of this information, thus our company has no control over it.

You may be drawn into a sweepstakes, contest or other promotion by a purchase from us or by giving us your personal data for some other reason or purpose. When the winners are selected, only the names and the identifying information of the winners of the sweepstakes or the contest are shared with the entity that manages the contest or the sweepstakes, so that they can notify the winners.

Special Cases: It is Members policy not to use or share the personal information about Visitors of Members in ways not related to the above-mentioned ones without also giving you a chance to opt out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses.

However, we may disclose personal information about Visitors or Members, or information regarding your use of the Services or Web sites accessible through our Services, for any reason if, in our sole discretion, we believe that it is reasonable to do so, including: governments, law-enforcement agencies, merchant database agencies, credit agencies, collection agencies, or to comply with laws, such as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the Child Online Privacy Act, regulations, or governmental or legal requests for such information, to disclose information that is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be violating our Acceptable Use Policy

Notice of Treatment to California People – Your California Privacy Rights under The California Online Privacy Protection Act and the California Business and Professions Code

This policy on privacy of consumers informs the type of personally identifiable information collected by our company through our Web site or online service, about individual consumers who use or visit our company's commercial Web site or online service and the categories of third-party persons or entities with whom our company may share that personally identifiable information.

Our company has never a procedure for a person who uses or visits our commercial Web site or online service to ask and make changes to his or her personally identifiable information which is gathered through our Web site or online service.

The section below "Revisions To This Policy" offers the description of the procedure by which our company informs the customers who use or visit our commercial Web site or online service about the material changes to our company's privacy policy for this Web site or online service.

The effective date of this privacy policy is shown on the last page of this privacy policy under the heading, “Last updated. ”

For the purposes of this policy and California compliance the following definitions apply:For the purposes of this policy and California compliance the following definitions apply:

The website or service can collect the following "personally identifiable information" of the visitor depending on the activity he/she performs on the website or the service.

The term “personally identifiable information” means individually identifiable information about an individual consumer collected online by our company from an individual and maintained by our company in an accessible form, and may include any of the following:The term “personally identifiable information” means individually identifiable information about an individual consumer collected online by our company from an individual and maintained by our company in an accessible form, and may include any of the following:

A first and last name is a simple thing, yet it varies in each part of the world.

The home or the house number, street name and name of a city or town, are the elements that make up the physical address.

An e-mail address.

A telephone number.

A social security number.

Any other unique identifier that enables the physical or online contacting of a specific individual.

Information about a user that the Web site or online service collects, from the user, and keeps in a personally identifiable form, in combination with an identifier described in this privacy policy is the user data that a Web site or online service collects online from the user and maintains in a personally identifiable form in combination with an identifier.

California residents are allowed, once a year, to get information from the third parties with whom they have shared information about them or their family, to be used for their marketing purposes during the previous year, if any, and a description of the categories of personal information shared. The following are the steps you need to take to make such a request, please send us an email, and please include the phrase “California Privacy Request” in the subject line, the domain name of the Web site you are inquiring about, along with your name, address and email address. Also, we will reply to you, within thirty days of receiving such a request of yours.

“Cookies” and How Our Company Uses Them. A “cookie” is a small data file that can be put on your hard drive while you are visiting certain Web sites. The company could use cookies to collect, store, and even monitor the information for the statistics purpose to enhance the products and services we offer and to manage our telecommunication networks.

If you are a Visitor or Member we may put a cookie in your browser to remember your settings and to give you customized and tailored services. These cookies make sure that there is no possible way for a third party to get any of your customer information. Besides, be reminded that if you visit other Web sites where you are asked to log in or can be customized, you may be forced to accept cookies.

Advertisers and partners may also use their own cookie. We are not the ones who control the use of these cookies and we are not even responsible for the information that is collected by them.

We have a strong commitment as a Company to Children’s Privacy. Child's privacy protection is our main interest. It is our policy to abide by the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 and all other laws that are applicable to it. Consequently, we limit our Internet site to those who are eighteen years or older.

Public Forums: Please, in remembrance, keep in mind that the info you might expose in the member directory or anywhere else on our websites or the Internet, will eventually be public. You ought to be careful in your choice of disclosing the private information in these public places.

Our Company’s Commitment to Data Security: The services and websites we are supporting have security measures to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of the information that is under our control. Although we do our best to maintain the security and reliability of our network and systems, we cannot assure that the security measures that we have in place will stop the third-party "hackers" from getting this information illegally.

Where to Direct Questions About Our Privacy Policy: Should you have any issues concerning this Privacy Policy or the practices mentioned herein, you can get in touch with us through the contact information given on this website.

Revisions to This Policy: Our company can at any given time, change, or change this policy, our Terms Of Service agreement, and our other policies and agreements, by reviving the same through this posting. Your use of this site after the imposed of such changes is equivalent to your acknowledgement and acceptance of these changes. Before every use, kindly read the privacy statement, which will notify you of any changes.

Opting Out: If you decide that you no longer want to get email from us, click the red button below and fill out your details and we will remove you from our database. Besides, in the lower part of any email you may get from us, there is the unsubscribe link that when clicked will automatically unsubscribe you. . 

PRIVACY     |     DISCLAIMER     |     TERMS
FDA Compliance
However, our information might not replace contacting a medical professional; therefore, please always seek medical assistance. We therefore urge you to tell your healthcare provider on the changes you make to your lifestyle and ask your doctor about them. If you have any queries, complaints, or issues regarding any health condition that you may have got, please schedule your appointment with your physician.

There are the content of the website is the author’s own opinions existing only on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. There you should do special research on your own and always double-check the information with other sources in case of health issues. Reread the information with a medical health professional before beginning to use the protocols described on this site and the ingredients of the product sold here.

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